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¿Qué temperatura hace en España?

El tiempo


Gabin Allanwood

Donde el sol acompaña en todas las estaciones

España es un país de clima suave todo el año pero que conserva los contrastes estacionales. Aquí podrás consultar las temperaturas medias y las horas de sol de algunos de los principales destinos. Además, te recomendamos qué ropa traer en cada momento y te damos más información sobre el tiempo en España.


Temperaturas en España

¿Te interesa saber el tiempo de las principales ciudades españolas? Te informamos sobre las temperaturas medias en cada estación y el número de horas de sol. ¡Cualquier época es buena para viajar a España!

  • Invierno

  • Primavera

  • Verano

  • Otoño



Mínima (ºC)



Enero – marzo 12º / 4º 173 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Abril -junio 23º / 12º 271 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Julio-septiembre 30º / 18º 315 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Octubre-diciembre 14º / 7º 156 Horas
  • Invierno

  • Primavera

  • Verano

  • Otoño



Mínima (ºC)



Enero-marzo 15º / 6º 173 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Abril -junio 21º / 13º 248 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Julio-septiembre 28º / 19º 260 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Octubre-diciembre 18º / 9º 156 Horas
  • Invierno

  • Primavera

  • Verano

  • Otoño



Mínima (ºC)



Enero-marzo 18º / 7º 196 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Abril -junio 24º / 14º 275 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Julio-septiembre 30º / 20º 295 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Octubre-diciembre 18º / 11º 185 Horas
  • Invierno

  • Primavera

  • Verano

  • Otoño



Mínima (ºC)



Enero-marzo 15º / 6º 105 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Abril -junio 21º / 8º 162 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Julio-septiembre 25º / 15º 175 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Octubre-diciembre 17º / 8º 97 Horas
  • Invierno

  • Primavera

  • Verano

  • Otoño



Mínima (ºC)



Enero-marzo 21º / 15º 201 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Abril -junio 24º / 18º 261 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Julio-septiembre 27º / 21º 283 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Octubre-diciembre 24º / 18º 195 Horas
  • Invierno

  • Primavera

  • Verano

  • Otoño



Mínima (ºC)



Enero-marzo 18º / 8º 194 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Abril -junio 25º / 14º 288 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Julio-septiembre 30º / 20º 306 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Octubre-diciembre 21º / 12º 182 Horas
  • Invierno

  • Primavera

  • Verano

  • Otoño



Mínima (ºC)



Enero-marzo 16º / 9º 181 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Abril -junio 23º / 15º 279 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Julio-septiembre 29º / 21º 296 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Octubre-diciembre 20º / 13º 172 Horas
  • Invierno

  • Primavera

  • Verano

  • Otoño



Mínima (ºC)



Enero-marzo 13º / 5º 119 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Abril -junio 19º / 9º 192 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Julio-septiembre 24º / 13º 221 Horas


Mínima (ºC)



Octubre-diciembre 15º / 7º 104 Horas


El tiempo en España

España es un país soleado que ronda las 3. 000 horas de sol anuales. Las temperaturas son suaves pero aun así hay diferencias entre las estaciones y las distintas zonas del país. La primavera y el otoño tienen las temperaturas más agradables y permiten disfrutar al aire libre casi todo el día. Las temperaturas máximas se alcanzan durante los meses de julio y agosto, calurosos y secos en todo el país. Las temperaturas mínimas suelen darse en los meses de enero y febrero, que coinciden con los meses de más lluvias, principalmente en el norte de España.-Hay imprescindibles que no deben faltar en tu equipaje:-Las gafas de sol las utilizarás todo el año.-Calzado cómodo, sobre todo si vas a visitar museos, hacer recorridos en ciudades o adentrarte en la naturaleza.-Mochila cómoda y ligera para guardar, por ejemplo, las gafas de sol, crema protectora contra el sol, una botella de agua o un pequeño paraguas de viaje para cualquier imprevisto.

    Primavera – De finales de marzo a finales de junio

    Muchos aseguran que es la estación perfecta en España. El sol es protagonista casi siempre y cada día hay más horas de sol para disfrutar al aire libre con paseos, tarde de terrazas, salidas a la naturaleza…Son prendas básicas las de mangas cortas o las de mangas largas de tejidos finos, los vaqueros y vestidos de colores alegres. Accesorios como las gafas de sol, un sombrero, una pashmina o unas sandalias pueden ser buenos compañeros de viaje para disfrutar mañanas y tardes soleadas. Un dicho popular (“En abril, aguas mil”) nos alerta de incluir también un pequeño paraguas de viaje para estar preparados ante posibles lluvias intensas aunque habitualmente muy cortas.  

    Verano – De finales de junio a finales de septiembre

    Los meses de julio, agosto y septiembre son los más calurosos y secos. En habitual superar los 30 grados centígrados durante el día. En zonas de interior y en el sur, la temperatura nocturna también puede superar los 20 grados. El norte conserva un clima más suave, de temperaturas más bajas y algunas precipitaciones en regiones como Galicia, Asturias o Cantabria. La prenda imprescindible del verano en España es el bañador para disfrutar en la playa. Se recomienda llevar ropa de colores claros. En este sentido, es muy conocida la moda ibicenca, de ropas blancas. Sientan bien y apetecen los tejidos vaporosos o finos como el lino o el algodón. Respecto al calzado, es normal llevar sandalias o chanclas. Las prendas sin mangas y los pantalones cortos también son habituales. 

    Otoño – De finales de septiembre a finales de diciembre

    La temperatura comienza a bajar y es más fría a primera hora de la mañana y al caer la tarde. Se empieza a necesitar ropa de abrigo, alguna bufanda ligera y chaquetas o blazers. En esta época es habitual poder disfrutar de días soleados, sobre todo desde Madrid hacia el sur.Muchos recomiendan disponer de distintas capas de ropa más ligera en lugar de abrigos pesados o muy cálidos. De este modo, podrás adaptarte a cada hora del día sin problema. Por ejemplo, al caer la tarde se puede sentir más frío en zonas de montaña o en áreas de costa debido a la humedad. Es normal que cada otoño llegue alguna tormenta fría de forma ocasional.

    Valle del Ambroz (Extremadura)


    Margarita Ramos Hernández

    Invierno – De finales de diciembre a finales de marzo

    Son los meses más fríos. Aunque España no es un país lluvioso, te recomendamos disponer de un paraguas. En el norte, las lluvias son frecuentes estos meses. En el resto del país, se pueden concentrar varios días con lluvias. Una buena opción puede ser un chubasquero.Te recomendamos incorporar a tu equipaje ropa de abrigo y accesorios como bufanda o guantes. En la mayoría del país, las botas de agua son prescindibles y suele recomendarse calzado cómodo, quizá alto como botas, y el empleo de calcetines más gruesos. Prendas de tejidos como la lana, la franela o la tela polar, ropa térmica interior, leotardos y abrigos invernales son necesarios, sobre todo en entornos rurales. Si vas a las Islas Canarias, el invierno es muy distinto y no necesitarás más que alguna chaqueta fina.  

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    Blogs, Conoce España, Información general

    Aunque España siempre se asocia con el sol y el calor, la realidad es que cuenta con cuatro climas diferentes porque la geografía española es muy diversa: mediterráneo en las regiones del este y del sur, continental en las regiones del centro, oceánico en las regiones del norte y subtropical en las islas Canarias.

    En este post y en el vídeo que está un poco más abajo te explico qué tiempo hace en cada una de estas zonas, viendo que en gran parte del país hace mucho frío en invierno y que en otros lugares llueve mucho durante todo el año.

    Y en mi Zona Premium puedes practicar todo este vocabulario y conocer más sobre cómo es España. En esta área privada de la web hay 5 cursos online con los aspectos clave del español: Gramática, Verbos, Vocabulario, Ortografía y, Lee y Entiende, con más de 200 lecciones en total con 160 vídeos, 90 audios, 600 ejercicios y juegos con las soluciones, 300 PDF descargables, etc. 

    Mediterráneo y centro del país

    En la mayor parte de Andalucía (en el sur de España) y en las regiones situadas en el este del país junto al mar Mediterráneo suele hacer buen tiempo. Los inviernos son cortos y suaves, mientras que los veranos son largos y calurosos. Así, las temperaturas se sitúan en invierno entre 4 y 15 grados centígrados, mientras que en verano suben a entre 17 y 30 grados centígrados.

    Además, en estas zonas llueve poco, casi siempre en otoño y en primavera, y no nieva nunca.

    Por el contrario, en el centro de España el clima es más extremo, con temperaturas bajas en invierno y altas en verano. En estas regiones los inviernos son largos y fríos, con temperaturas mínimas que pueden bajar hasta los 5 grados bajo cero o más. Mientras que los veranos son muy calurosos, con temperaturas máximas que alcanzan los 35 grados e incluso los 40 en algunas zonas.

    En cuanto a las precipitaciones, las lluvias son escasas y, aparecen normalmente en otoño y en primavera. Asimismo, en invierno nieva algunas veces y a veces también hay niebla. Y en los meses de julio y agosto son frecuentes las tormentas.

    Por su parte, en las zonas de montaña del interior del país, los inviernos son muy largos y muy fríos, con temperaturas habitualmente bajo cero y con mucha nieve, y en verano hace poco calor.

    Norte e Islas Canarias

    En tercer lugar, en las regiones situadas en el norte de España, junto al mar Cantábrico y en Galicia, las temperaturas son suaves durante todo el año, y con poca variación entre el invierno y el verano. En invierno se sitúan entre 12 y 15 grados, y en verano suben a entre 20 y 25 grados.

    Esta zona se caracteriza porque llueve mucho durante todas las estaciones del año, con el cielo cubierto de nubes muchos días. Sin embargo, nieva muy pocas veces.

    Finalmente, las Islas Canarias, situadas en el océano Atlántico frente al sur de Marruecos, disfrutan del mejor clima de España, con sol y, con temperaturas cálidas y constantes durante todo el año, con entre 22 y 28 grados centígrados de media.

    Además, llueve muy poco y casi siempre en invierno, y no nieva nunca.

    ¿Quieres saber más sobre el clima de España? Mira este vídeo. Y en el curso Lee y entiende de mi Zona Premium hay una lección dedicada a este tema, en la que puedes practicar todo este vocabulario y aprender más.

    Además, en este post puedes repasar todo el vocabulario que usamos en español para hablar del clima y el tiempo atmosférico.

    Si quieres descubrir más aspectos de la vida en España mientras aprendes español, puedes comprar el paquete ‘Conoce España’, con 14 transcripciones en texto de los vídeos de mi canal de YouTube que he realizado sobre la cultura, la historia y las costumbres de mi país.

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    Elena Prieto

    Profesora online de español para extranjeros y youtuber. Fundadora de Tu escuela de español y creadora de todos sus materiales.

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    Spain: Climate

    Overview Visa Country Features History Geography Climate Culture Cities Cuisine Shops Phone Transport

    Spain’s climate can be considered one of its main natural resources. By the number of sunny days per year, Spain, together with Italy and Greece, shares the first place in Europe. Almost all of Spain is located in the subtropical zone and, in terms of its natural conditions, is generally close to other Mediterranean countries, but at the same time it is also distinguished by significant originality. This is primarily due to the isolation of the Iberian Peninsula from the rest of Europe, the proximity of the African continent, as well as the complex influence of the mountainous terrain and two huge water areas – the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Most of Spain, especially on its east coast, has a typical Mediterranean climate, with dry hot summers, mild rainy winters, early spring and long warm autumns. Rains are most often in the form of short winter showers.

    In summer, Spain is dominated by continental air masses coming from the south – from the tropical latitudes of North Africa and from the north – from the highly heated regions of southeastern Europe. The average temperatures of the hottest month (July) reach 18-20°C in the coastal regions of the north and northwest and 26°C on the Mediterranean coast. In southern Spain, up to 200 days a year, the average daily temperature does not fall below 25 °C.

    Freshness and coolness in the hot season are brought to the coast by breezes – winds that change direction depending on the time of day. During the day the breezes blow from the sea to the land, and at night from the land to the sea. Breezes are typical mainly for the summer months, less often in spring and autumn, and even less often in winter.

    In winter, westerly transfer of air masses occurs, therefore humid sea air from temperate latitudes, which comes along with cyclones from the Atlantic, plays an important role. Average January temperatures range from 8–10 °C in the northern and middle parts to 10–12 °C in the south.

    In winter, the Mediterranean experiences the burning breath of sirocco (drifts of dry tropical air from the deserts of North Africa and Arabia, sometimes with a huge amount of dust and sand). The relative humidity brought by such winds is very low – only 5–8%, and sometimes even 2%. If the sirocco is blowing, there is almost always a dusty haze in the air, it appears yellowish during the day, and brown-red at sunrise and sunset. Passing over the sea, the sirocco is saturated with moisture, so a warm and humid wind blows in the northeastern part of the Spanish Mediterranean – bolhorno. Such a wind brings cloudy weather with drizzling rain, and sometimes it blows with a cloudless sky, and in both cases it is very stuffy. Bolkhorno has a depressing effect on people and animals and is considered one of the most unpleasant weather phenomena. Dry sirocco, despite the high temperature, is relatively easy to tolerate.

    According to the amount and distribution of precipitation, the entire territory of the country is usually divided into “wet” Spain (north and northwest) and “dry” (central, southern and eastern regions). Precipitation in “wet” Spain (up to 900 mm per year) falls fairly evenly throughout the year, their number only slightly decreases in summer. In “dry” Spain, the annual amount of precipitation does not exceed 500 mm, and they fall mainly in spring and autumn.

    There are also strong differences in the distribution of the number of cloudless days throughout the year in different parts of Spain. The minimum number of sunny days (30 days a year) is observed on the northwestern Atlantic coast, while on the Mediterranean coast the sun shines almost all year round (more than 150 days a year).

    Spain. Climate in Spain, nature, culture, traditions

    Spain is a country where serenity and happiness are literally in the air.

    Time here is not subject to any laws and can stretch slowly, allowing you to relax on the beach, or fly fast to the rhythms of flamenco.

    This is a country where you will never be bored, where there are no gloomy faces, and even strangers smile at you. In a country like Spain, you always want to take photos, because every landscape, every view is worthy of a separate page in the album.

    Once you’ve been here, you don’t want to go back home, because you understand – here it is, paradise on Earth.

    It is impossible to determine which coast of Spain is better – they are all beautiful in their own way.

    Climate in Spain

    Spain is divided into three climatic zones. The northern part of the country is under the influence of the Atlantic Ocean, which makes the winter not so cold (the temperature does not fall below +2 ° C), and the summer is mild and moderately hot. This region is considered one of the best in the world for living with children, the absence of extreme temperature changes and a dry summer period helps kids feel comfortable all year round. The sea warms up to 20–22 °С in summer. Real estate in Spain in this part is not too expensive, solid, and therefore, in almost any locality, you can stay comfortably.

    In the central part of the country, the climate is cooler – continental, due to the fact that the movement of warm air masses is difficult. But here you should not wait for frosts. Cold in winter, of course, happens, especially in mountainous areas, but the temperature does not fall below +2 ° C. The exception is the mountains, here it can be -8, but it should be borne in mind that such a temperature is rare and it is not felt at all so strongly. The weather in Spain in the mountainous regions changes smoothly, sudden temperature changes are very rare.

    The climate in the south-east of the country is Mediterranean, mild, with short warm winters and hot summers. The temperature during the summer months reaches +35 °C, but most of the time this figure varies from 25 to 28 °C. Winter lasts the same as in Russia – from December to February, the average temperature in the coldest period is +12 … +18 ° С.

    Houses in Spain on the coast do not need much insulation, so they are inexpensive. Compared to other European countries, the price difference can be quite significant. In addition, such a temperature regime allows you to build apartments in Spain on the coast very quickly, efficiently and with minimal investment.

    The Canary Islands is a tropical paradise with all its perks. Hot summer, which lasts almost all year round, the temperature ranges from +19 °С in the “coldest” months to +25 °С in summer. You can swim in the Canary Islands all year round.

    Nature in Spain

    It is difficult to talk briefly about the nature of Spain, because even hundreds of pages are not enough to describe its beauty. The flora of the country is incredibly diverse, in the north of the country the vegetation resembles the landscapes of Central Europe – dense forests grow, which are replaced by meadows with lush green grass. Plants familiar to us predominate: beech, oak, chestnut. When moving towards the mountain range, coniferous trees are more and more common: pines and firs.

    Almost 90% of the central part of Spain are mountains, most of which are not too high – 600-700 meters above sea level and are covered with a dense carpet of vegetation. The highest point is Mulasen (3478 m). In total, there are more than 70 mountain ranges in Spain.

    Mediterranean vegetation prevails in the south and southeast of the country: cypresses, junipers and citrus fruits, olive groves grow and vineyards turn green. According to many, this is the most beautiful coast of Spain. The nature of the Canary Islands is very different from the mainland of Spain.

    They are of volcanic origin, so the relief, and as a result, the nature here is very diverse. There are lifeless fields covered with frozen lava, and dense thickets of tropical vegetation: various palms, lianas and shrubs. Much of the flora that grows here is found nowhere else in the world. This is the warmest coast of Spain, so sometimes it seems that you are in an exotic equatorial country.

    The animal world is presented somewhat more modestly due to the distance from the mainland, but this tropical paradise does not look lifeless. There are many birds and small amphibians. There are no poisonous and dangerous animals in the Canary Islands.

    Not to mention the underwater world, the coastal zone is full of life, hundreds of species of fish have made the Canary Islands a favorite destination for divers from all over the world.

    Culture and traditions

    Culture is what many people buy tours in Spain for. A special attitude to life, a unique temperament and love for beauty have formed a special atmosphere in this country.

    Naturally, in such an environment culture and art in Spain simply could not help but develop.

    What comes to mind when we talk about Spain? Of course, flamenco dance, bright and passionate, literally saturated with emotions, where every movement tells a story. The Spaniards consider this dance their national wealth and regularly hold flamenco festivals. They dance literally everywhere: on the stages of large theaters, at night discos and right on the street. The southern cities of Spain are especially famous for this, here almost every person is fluent in flamenco.

    The second national highlight is bullfighting. A bullfight is no longer such a bloody spectacle, now it is a virtuoso dance, where an angry bull moves together with a bullfighter. The task of the daredevil is to provoke the animal and arrange an unforgettable show. Now a number of laws have been adopted, according to which it is impossible to kill a bull, but this ban does not apply everywhere. Bullfighting is allowed mainly in the resorts of Spain on the coast, which hold this spectacular show to attract tourists.

    And of course, we can’t help but mention the Spanish festival , which takes place in February and is as colorful as its Brazilian competitor. And in Spain there are many holidays dedicated to Catholic saints. Holding each one implies a spectacular ritual: parades of four-meter-long puppets move along the street to the sound of flutes and drums. During these festivities, the townspeople launch fireworks, which symbolize the victory over evil spirits and the triumph of good.

    Another, probably the most fun tradition is the harvest festival. A “wine battle” begins on the streets of cities, everyone, young and old, load water pistols and arrange a “shelling” of each other with wine.


    Transport infrastructure in Spain is very well developed. Almost the entire territory of the country is washed by water, so sea transport is actively used. A network of large ports has been built that serve several thousand ships. Communication has been established both with nearby small islands and with remote points of the globe.

    Air transport is also actively developing, there are more than 100 airports in the country, more than 30 of them are international. There is a direction and Moscow-Spain. The infrastructure is constantly developing, new runways are being built, Spanish airports are opening on the coast and in the central part of the country.

    Railway communication is at a high level – more than 17 thousand kilometers of tracks have been built. There are high-speed trains that can take you from Barcelona to Madrid in two and a half hours. Both the Mediterranean coast of Spain and the central regions are covered.

    Road and bus communication allows you to get from one point to another with maximum comfort. The roads in Spain are very good: both the asphalt surface and the markings are in perfect condition.

    Rules of the road

    Despite the fact that the Spaniards are a temperamental nation, they strictly observe the rules of the road. This applies to motorists, motorcyclists and cyclists alike. By the way, there are a lot of two-wheeled vehicles on the roads, thanks to the mild climate of the country. But, surprisingly, it does not create problems. All roads in Spain are free, motorways are paid (they are marked with an A on a blue background).

    Traffic in Spain is right-hand, the rules are the same as in Russia. But the penalties for non-compliance are much higher. This also applies to exceeding the permissible speed, and violating the requirements of road signs. A fairly large fine will have to be paid for an unfastened seat belt.

    Speed ​​in the city – 40 km / h, on a normal country road – up to 100 km / h, on the motorway – up to 120 km / h. Islands and mountainous areas have their own peculiarities and limitations, due to the large number of serpentines and frequent fogs, the maximum speed is often low. It is not worth risking and exceeding it, especially if the driver is in this area for the first time. This also applies to areas located near the resorts of Spain, coast Costa Blanca .

    Leisure and tourism in Spain, entertainment for tourists

    Spain is one of the most attractive countries for tourism. Tropical and Mediterranean climate, clean coastal zone and European service will not leave anyone indifferent. It is not for nothing that for the Greeks in the old days, Spain was the land where golden apples grow, and for the Arabs it was the gate to paradise. Therefore, tours to Spain are so popular with vacationers from all over the world.

    The choice of places to stay is simply huge – the Atlantic coast of Spain, the Mediterranean beaches or ski resorts, which are in no way inferior to the famous Alps. And island landscapes will conquer even those who are not too fond of beach holidays. A visa to Spain is needed for a Schengen visa, tourists do not have any difficulties in obtaining it. The list of documents is standard, no special papers need to be submitted. The Spanish visa center is loyal to Russians who go on vacation.

    Many excursion routes have been developed. For those who like to conquer the peaks of the mountains, this is the Sierra Nevada: Granada, Cordoba or Seville. There are walking paths, skiing and snowboarding, and classic cozy resort areas with picturesque houses and restaurants with national cuisine.

    Those who want to relax and admire historical monuments will definitely enjoy a trip to the monastery of St. Pilar or Montserrat. And if you want to relax under palm trees, then welcome to the Canary Islands. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to divide the trip into several seasons, in February you can go skiing, and not only sunbathe on the islands, but also take part in the carnival. In Spain, the cities on the coast are no less interesting than the megacities of the central part of the country. Each area has its own flair.

    Spain’s Mediterranean coast is sandy beaches, seafood and amazingly delicious wine, while the Atlantic is European service, sophistication and many cultural attractions. It is almost impossible to choose the best coast of Spain, it is different for every tourist.

    You should definitely visit Madrid and Barcelona, ​​ Benidorm and Valencia , historical sights, museums, theaters here at almost every step. And yet, in major cities in Spain, you can update your wardrobe without spending too much. Sales, outlets open their doors to tourists all year round. Prices in Spain for clothes, shoes and accessories are lower than elsewhere, and the quality remains quite high.

    Many people come and rent apartments in Spain on the coast for a few months to relax and see all the tourist attractions. Of course, it is best to have your own property, but hotels on the coast of Spain will provide sufficient comfort.

    Do you want to admire the real “lunar landscapes”? Then go to the island of Lanzarote – a volcanic reserve, the surface of which is almost completely covered with solidified lava. The island is most popular with creative people; almost every one of them strives to depict the coast of Spain in a photo.

    Hotels in Spain have stars traditional for Europe, and the rating in the country corresponds to reality. Moreover, the complex often receives three stars solely because of the small area, while the level of service can be no worse than in a five-star resort.