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Barcelona to Granada train tickets from €33.91 | Rail Europe

Travelling from Barcelona to Granada by train

Want to know how to get from Barcelona to Granada by train? We have gathered for you all the useful information about this trip!

The fastest trains from Barcelona to Granada take around 6 hours and 20 minutes, covering a distance of approximately 680 kilometres.

On weekdays, the first train leaving Barcelona is scheduled to depart at around 06:45. The last departure is usually at around 08:35.
This is the same at the weekend.
On average, there are about 4 trains per day travelling between the two cities.
They leave approximately every 5 minutes.

Prices for a single ticket between the two cities start from €33.91.

We think any time is a great time to visit Granada, as each season has its own unique charm. Nevertheless, please make sure you check the local weather and average seasonal temperatures at destination before deciding on your holiday.

For more tips to help you plan your journey, check out our help articles, or read our guide to Granada.

Is there a direct train from Barcelona to Granada?

Yes, there is a direct train from Barcelona to Granada.

We usually find around 4 direct trains on the route from Barcelona to Granada every weekday.

Trains usually run with a similar frequency on weekends.

How long does it take to travel from Barcelona to Granada?

The Barcelona to Granada train travel takes about 6 hours and 20 minutes, no matter when you leave.

What are the Barcelona to Granada train times and schedule?

If you’re travelling on a weekday, you’ll find the earliest train to Granada leaving Barcelona at around 06:45 and the last train leaving at around 08:35.
This is the same at the weekend.

How much is the train ticket from Barcelona to Granada?

The cheapest tickets we’ve found for trains from Barcelona to Granada are €33. 91.

If you book 30 days in advance, tickets will cost around €114. The cost is usually the same if booking is done 7 days in advance.
Booking on the day of travel is likely to be more expensive, so it’s worth booking ahead of time if you can, or check our special offers and deals.

When should you book your train tickets from Barcelona to Granada?

Trains in Spain usually open for booking around 4 months in advance.
If booking is not yet open for your travel dates, you can set a booking alert and you’ll receive an email as soon as the cheapest tickets are released for your train journey.

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Which train companies operate between Barcelona and Granada?

AVE is the train company that operates on the route from Barcelona to Granada.

You can check which train you’ll be travelling on by looking for the train name in search results.

Granada to Barcelona by train

  • From Madrid to Granada
    €17. 52

  • From Seville to Granada

  • From Córdoba Central to Granada

  • From Málaga-María Zambrano to Granada

  • From Valencia to Granada

  • From Antequera to Granada

  • From Pedrera to Granada

  • From Ronda to Granada

  • From Guadix to Granada

  • From Almería to Granada

  • From Paris to Granada

  • From Toledo to Granada

There are various options for your train journey from Barcelona to Granada, with daytime routings via Valencia and Madrid, usually with one change of train along the way. The night train from Barcelona to Granada is presently suspended.

AVE & Media Distancia

The daytime journey from Barcelona to Granada by train is very easy. The route we recommend is less than 8 hrs long, not bad for a journey of almost 1200 km. The best option is the once-a-day connection via Antequera-Santa Ana. You start with the longest leg of the journey, travelling from Barcelona to Antequera on a high-speed AVE train. Along the way, you’ll skirt Madrid and cut through the rugged Sierra Morena to reach Andalucía. The second leg of the journey is on a regional train from Antequera-Santa Ana to Granada.

Bookings for this itinerary normally open a couple of months in advance. If the timings of our preferred route do not suit you, it is possible to depart Barcelona at lunchtime and travel via Madrid. It does however take a little longer. There is also, though not every night of the year, a direct overnight train from Barcelona to Granada.

The Spanish rail operator often releases tickets in batches, which means they can come available 120 days or more in advance. If you’re having trouble finding tickets, contact us and we’ll email you when booking opens.

Barcelona to Antequera-Santa Ana

The high-speed AVE train from Barcelona Sants will get you to Antequera-Santa Ana in about 5 hrs 30 mins. Only two trains a day make this long journey from the Catalan coast to the south of Spain, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The fast AVE service makes seven stops along the way, including at Zaragoza and Córdoba.

  • AVE train guide

Antequera-Santa Ana to Granada

The station at Antequera-Santa Ana was built to give rural communities in Andalucía access to Spain’s high-speed network. Take a Media Distancia train to travel to Granada, famous for the Alhambra Palace. An additional Altaria service runs at midday. All in all, there are about eight trains a day plying the route. The Altaria service goes non-stop, while Media Distancia trains stop once or twice on the way (including at Antequera-Ciudad). Both trains will get you to Granada in about 1 hr 30 mins to 2 hrs. The route becomes increasingly hilly as you travel east.

AVE via Madrid

The daytime journey from Barcelona to Granada by train is very easy. The route via Madrid takes just over 8 hrs, and involves an easy change of train at Atocha station. Your journey starts with a lunchtime high-speed journey to Madrid on an AVE train. The second leg of the journey is on an Altaria service from Madrid to Granada, getting you into Granada in the late evening.

If the timings of this route via Madrid to Granada do not suit you, it is possible to depart Barcelona earlier in the day and reach Granada by late afternoon. This is via Antequera-Santa Ana rather than Madrid (and is actually even quicker than the Madrid route). There is also, though not every night of the year, a direct overnight train from Barcelona to Granada.

Bookings for this itinerary normally open about four months in advance, though the Spanish rail operator will often release tickets in batches. If you’re having trouble finding tickets, contact us, as the cheapest tickets are usually found when booking opens. We’ll send you an email when tickets are released.

Barcelona to Madrid

Take a high-speed AVE or Ouigo train directly from Barcelona Sants station to Madrid Atocha. Trains that stop up to four times along the way may take 30 to 40 minutes longer. This journey along Spain’s premier high-speed rail route reveals a variety of passing landscapes as you speed from Catalonia through Aragon to the Spanish heartland.

  • AVE train guide
  • Ouigo Spain train guide

Madrid to Granada

Board one of the twice-daily high-speed Altaria trains that leave Madrid Atocha station for the direct run to Granada in Spain’s Andalusian region. The train stops three to four times along the way, including a halt at Córdoba. The last part of the journey is a bit slower after the train leaves the dedicated high-speed line at Antequera-Santa Ana for the final run through the hills to Granada. The train station at Granada is a 20-min walk from the city centre.

  • Altaria train guide


We are still awaiting confirmation as to whether this overnight service will run in spring and summer 2016. This train was suspended in September 2015 and we do not yet know if it will be reinstated.

Travel in comfort with the Trenhotel night train from Barcelona to Granada. The direct overnight train takes its name from the famous Moorish palace in Granada: the Alhambra. It runs nightly in summer but less often in other seasons – and sometimes not at all in winter. So check schedules well in advance. The journey takes 11 hrs 30 mins. Bookings normally open two months prior to travel.

One of the highlights on this journey is the moment when, by crack of dawn, the train slips through Despenaperros Pass to reach Andalucía. Once famous for brigands and bandits, this rugged chasm is still the stuff of romance.

Barcelona to Granada (night train)

The seasonal Trenhotel night train leaves Barcelona Sants station in the evening and gets into Granada by breakfast time next morning. The train stops 8 times on its overnight journey to Andalucía, including Tarragona, Valencia and Albacete. The reclining seats (butaca) are comfortable enough for hardy types, but if you treasure your sleep, it would be wise to invest in a sleeping berth (cama).

  • Trenhotel train guide

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Barcelona to Granada – Best Routes & Travel Advice

The distance between the capital of Spain’s Catalonia region, Barcelona, and the Andalusian city of Granada, is 424 miles (682 km). The fastest way to make the trip is by direct flight, which takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes (airtime).

The train is another great option, though nothing will be nearly as quick as the flight. The train trip will take around 6.5 hours.

Driving yourself in a rental car is also possible, but takes a bit longer than the train (8 hours and 20 minutes). For a more luxurious option, private car services are available but pricey. Buses are another economic option, but the travel time is over 13 hours.

To get the most of your time in Andalusia, consider this 10-day itinerary: Magic of Southern Spain: History, Beaches, and Culture.

By Plane

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes (flight time)

By far the most logical and efficient option is to fly from Barcelona’s airport El Prat (BCN) nonstop to Federico García Lorca Airport (GRX) in Granada. Vueling Airlines runs multiple direct flights daily at a competitive cost, especially if tickets are booked at least a month in advance. While there are multiple nonstop flights daily, Iberia also runs many trips with a layover in the country’s capital, Madrid.

Keep in mind that El Prat airport is located about 10 miles from Barcelona’s city center, and heavy traffic is common. When you land in GRX it will take about 20 minutes by taxi to get to downtown Granada.

By Train

Duration: 6-7 hours

Another convenient option is to take the high-speed AVE train from Barcelona’s main train station, Barcelona-Sants, to Granada’s train station located one mile from the city’s main square, Plaza Nueva. There are four trips daily, but trains do fill up, so booking in advance is advised. Only one journey daily is direct, while the other three include a transfer in Madrid. The nonstop train departs at 6:50 a.m., though schedules change seasonally.

AVE trains, run by Renfe, are comfortable and offer air conditioning, a bar-buffet car, and power outlets. Three tiers of tickets are available including turista (standard), turista plus (comfort), and preferente (premier). Turista plus customers enjoy a spacious reclining seat, while the preferente selection offers food service at your seat and access to business lounges at select stations. Not all tiers are available on every train, so if you want a particular class you should book ahead of time through Renfe’s website to make sure it is available.

By Rental Car or Private Transfer

Duration: 8 hours 20 minutes, more with stops

Having a car gives you the freedom to explore the route between Barcelona and Grenada, and perhaps take a few side trips along the way. This journey takes you nearly the entire length of the country, so is a good way to see Spain’s diverse landscape.

The fastest route brings you south along the coast on the E-15 highway before cutting west. Before you turn away from the coast, consider a stop in Valencia. This stop only adds 20 minutes, and will allow you to take in sites like the futuristic City of Arts and Sciences or the city’s impressive aquarium, L’Oceanogràfic. Plus, this stop will be just about half way through your journey.

If you’re trying to see as much of the country as possible, heading west to Madrid and then straight south from there only adds 2 hours and will allow you to visit the country’s capital. Madrid is home to countless gems like the Puerta del Sol, one of the most historic and expansive plazas in the city, the Fountain of Cibeles, and the Barrio Las Letras, the city’s famous literary neighborhood.

If you opt for either of these pit-stops, make sure to check out kimkim’s 9 Day Itinerary in Barcelona, Valenica, and Madrid.

Rental car companies abound in Barcelona. Remember that non-EU driver’s license holders must obtain an International Driver’s Permit in order to drive in Spain.

Alternately, for a more luxurious transport, hire a private transfer. With a variety of car services available online from mini-buses to luxury cars, prices are variable. You can request unique scenic stops along the way, such as the ancient ruins in the seaside city of Tarragona or Jaen, the country’s olive oil epicenter.

By Bus

Duration: 13+ hours

The company ALSA runs 4 bus trips daily, which feature multiple stops in Barcelona including El Prat airport, Barcelona-Sants, and the Estación Nord bus station. The entire trip takes at least 13 hours, not including traffic. While the bus is an economical choice, the train costs a similar price (especially when booked in advance) and takes about half of the time.

How to get from Barcelona to Granada


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Take the Barcelona-Sants train at the Renfe AVE station.

Travel time 6 h 25 min. Fare from €120 Distance 1175 km.

Carrier: Renfe AVE.

Buy ticket

Get off at Granada.

🛏 Find hotel deals and discounts up to 20% in Granada


Take the ALSA bus at the Barcelona/Sants stop.

Travel time 12 hours 45 minutes Fare from €65 Distance 896 km.

Carrier: ALSA.

Buy ticket

Get off at Granada.

🛏 Find hotel deals and discounts up to 20% in Granada


Take the ALSA bus at the Barcelona stop.

On the way 15 hours 30 minutes. Fare from €70 Distance 946 km.

Carrier: ALSA.

Buy ticket

Get off at Granada.

🛏 Find hotel deals and discounts up to 20% in Granada

By car

In a rented car. Check out this website which car rental company offers the best offer with up to 20% discounts.

Travel time 8 hours 19 minutes Distance 844 km.

Get off at Granada.

🛏 Find hotel deals and discounts up to 20% in Granada

Airplane to Granada

Take the Barcelona-Passeig De Gracia train at the Rodalies de Catalunya station.

Travel time 25 min. Distance 13 km.

Carrier: Rodalies de Catalunya.

Buy ticket

Get off at El Prat Aeroport.

Fly to Barcelona (BCN) from Granada Airport (GRX).

Travel time 1 h 30 min. Fare from €24

Carrier: Vueling Airlines.


🚖 Find a cheap taxi

Get off at Granada (GRX).

Take the Área de Granada bus at the Granada Airport stop.

Travel time 20 min. Distance 19 km.

Carrier: Área de Granada.

Buy ticket

Get off at Caleta.

🛏 Find hotel deals and discounts up to 20% in Granada

Plane to Malaga, train

Take the Barcelona/Sants train at the Rodalies de Catalunya station.

Travel time 25 min. Distance 896 km.

Carrier: Rodalies de Catalunya.

Buy ticket

Get off at Granada.

Fly to Barcelona (BCN) from Malaga Airport (AGP).

Travel time 1 h 35 min. Fare from €16

Carrier: Ryanair.


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Get off at Malaga (AGP).

726 m walk from Malaga (AGP) to Málaga Aeropuerto.

Travel time 8 min. Distance 726 m.

Get off at Málaga Aeropuerto.

Take the Málaga Aeropuerto train at the Renfe Cercanias station.

Travel time 6 min. Distance 5 km.

Carrier: Renfe Cercanias.

Buy ticket

Get off at Victoria Kent.

867 m walk from Victoria Kent to La Luz – La Paz.

Travel time 10 min. Distance 867 m.

Get off at La Luz – La Paz.

Apanhar o metro na estação de La Luz – La Paz.

Travel time 7 min. Distance 2 km.

Carrier: Metro Málaga.

Buy ticket

Get off at El Perchel.

Take the Malaga Maria Zambrano train at the Renfe Viajeros station.

Travel time 1 hour 11 minutes Fare from €13 Distance 164 km.

Carrier: Renfe Viajeros.

Buy ticket

Get off at Granada.

🛏 Find hotel deals and discounts up to 20% in Granada

Airplane to Almeria, train

Take the Barcelona/Sants train at the Rodalies de Catalunya station.

Travel time 25 min. Distance 896 km.

Carrier: Rodalies de Catalunya.

Buy ticket

Get off at Granada.

Fly to Barcelona (BCN) from Almeria Airport (LEI).

Travel time 1 h 20 min. Fare from €50

Carrier: Vueling Airlines.


🚖 Find a cheap taxi

Get off at Almeria (LEI).

Apanhar um táxi em Almeria (LEI).

Travel time 9 min. Fare from €14 Distance 9 km.

Carrier: Radio Taxi Almeria.

🚖 Find an inexpensive taxi

Get off at Almeria.

Take the Almeria train at the Renfe Viajeros station.

Travel time 2 hours 20 minutes Fare from €14 Distance 178 km.

Carrier: Renfe Viajeros.

Buy ticket

Get off at Granada.

🛏 Find hotel deals and discounts up to 20% in Granada

What is the cheapest way to get from Barcelona to Granada?

The cheapest way to get from Barcelona to Granada is by plane to Granada. The trip will cost approximately €28. Travel time will be 4 hours 15 minutes.

What is the fastest way to get from Barcelona to Granada?

Flying to Granada is the fastest way to get from Barcelona to Granada. Tickets cost around €28. The trip will take 4 hours 15 minutes.

How far is it between Barcelona and Granada?

The distance between Barcelona and Granada by road will be 844 km, which is approximately 8 hours and 19 minutes. on the way by car.

Is there a direct bus from Barcelona to Granada?

Yes, there is a direct non-stop bus to this destination. The flights are operated by the bus company ALSA. Tickets cost around €70. The bus ride from Barcelona to Granada takes 15 hours and 30 minutes.

How long does it take to travel from Barcelona to Granada by car?

Driving from Barcelona to Granada will take you about 8 hours and 19 minutes.


Experience the stunning architecture, vibrant culture and diverse landscape of Granada with these top things to see and do in this beautiful city.
2. Stroll through the stunning Alhambra palace complex. This UNESCO World Heritage Site contains some of the most beautiful Islamic architecture in Europe. Entering through the main gate, you will be amazed by the beauty of the courtyard with its intricate stonework. Once inside, explore the palaces, courtyards and gardens. The complex is huge, so allow enough time to explore it!
3. Head to the Mosque of Santa Maria el Grande for amazing views of the Granada skyline. The mosque was built in the 14th century on top of a hill overlooking the city and offers stunning views whether it rains or not.

All ways to get from Barcelona to Granada: bus, train, car, plane

If you get tired of Antonio Gaudí’s creations while relaxing in Barcelona, ​​then go to Granada for a couple of days. There is something here that you will not find in the capital of Catalonia – Moorish buildings of the XIII – XV centuries, when the main part of the Iberian Peninsula was owned by the Arabs.

Alexandra Tveritina


    Transport in tourist Spain is very well developed, so you can get from Barcelona to Granada in just a few hours.

    The capital of Catalonia is Barcelona, ​​and Andalusian Granada is connected by several roads. A journey of 850 kilometers is not a short one, and there are four ways to overcome it. I’ll tell you in detail about each option.

    The fastest way to get from Barcelona to Granada is by plane of the Spanish company Iberia or the Catalan low-cost airline Vueling.

    Granada has a small airport 18 km from the city centre. But the airport of Barcelona is the second largest in Spain, after the capital Madrid-Barajas. From the center of Barcelona to the airport, the road will take 30 minutes.

    • Iberia and Vueling have four daily direct flights between the cities.
    • Travel time: 1 hour 35 minutes.
    • Iberia has an average one-way fare of €60 and Vueling is €40.

    Barcelona Airport

    The Ave high-speed trains connect Barcelona Sants station with Granada railway station. Four trains leave Barcelona every day, and only two in the opposite direction.

    • Travel time depends on the train, minimum 6 hours 20 minutes.
    • One-way ticket price: from 60 € promo fare.
    • Carrier: national railway company Renfe.

    You can get from Barcelona to Granada by Alsa buses. In the capital of Catalonia, you can take them at the bus station Estación Nord .

    There are four departures per day, the night bus stops at Barcelona Airport Terminal 1 at 01:25.

    The earlier a ticket is bought, the cheaper it is, and when buying round-trip tickets, you can save up to 40%.

    • Ticket price: from 30 € for adults, children from 4 to 11 years old 30% discount, children under 3 years old free of charge.
    • Travel time: from 13 hours.
    • Working hours: from 01:00 to 18:20.
    • Bus timetable from Barcelona to Granada.

    If you are traveling with a family or a group, it is more profitable to rent a car. I recommend popular aggregators with Russian navigation, where you can choose a car from several rental offices – Rentalcars or Economybookings.

    The 850 km between Barcelona and Granada can be covered in 8 to 9 hours.

    A section of the road in the territory of Catalonia can be driven on a free or toll road. Toll and free roads do not differ in quality, both options are excellent. The difference is that the toll road is multi-lane, without traffic lights, with a speed limit of 120 km/h, while the free road passes through populated areas, with a speed limit and traffic lights, so it will take longer to drive. The names of toll roads in Spain start with “AP”. The AP-7 highway leads from Barcelona towards Granada.

    • Renting a car will cost from 20 € per day.
    • The cost of a liter of petrol is 1.25 €. The road from Barcelona to Granada will require 140 liters – this is 175 €.
    • Section of the AP-7 toll road – 11 €.

    Motorway in Catalunya

    The trip from Barcelona to Granada by any land transport is long, to do this way in one jerk means to spend a day on the road.